Fire Mitigation and Brush Clearing
Have brush or scrub oak you would like gone?
Call the highly experienced team at Twisted Timber for a free consultation and estimate. We use a tracked skid loader with a mastication head aka a forestry mower or brush cutter on the front. The mastication head is a drum with carbide tipped teeth on the outside that spins at a high rate of speed to shred up the scrub oak. Twisted Timbers quick and efficient mulching process is great for creating defensible spaces, wildfire management, clearing for homesites, and removing ladder fuels from under pine trees. Call now for a free consultation and estimate.

About Us
Twisted Timber is a Family Owned & Locally Operated Company doing business primarily in Douglas County and the Front Range For Over 15 Years.
Our fuel reduction mastication service, has become a very popular economical way to remove your scrub oak, brush, and other unwanted trees all over Douglas and surrounding Counties simply because it’s so fast and effective. Within a few seconds, trees disappear. No trees to pile, burn, or dispose of when you’re finished, you’re finished! This is ideal for clearing pastures, right of ways, pipelines, fence lines, new home sites and more! Twisted Timber can shred scrub oak, slash piles, or any unwanted trees where they are, making the remaining trees healthier. Any brush you need removed from your land! Twisted Timber can do it!

For more information on our Twisted Timber Company, contact us today.
While we mostly work in Douglas county Colorado we are willing to travel to help people clear their land. We have worked all over Colorado and even do work in Kansas. Our masticating machine will work on a wide variety of trees including Pine, Spruce, Fir, Oak, Scrub Oak, Brush, Cedar, Cottonwood, Locust, Russian olive, Honey Locust and more! We also do brush hog mowing, forestry thinning, ladder forest fuel reduction and fire mitigation. On larger trees we have large turbo saws to cut them down and large grapples to stack or pile trees.
We do pasture clearing, tree clearing, fence line clearing, power line clearing, new home site clearing, firebreak clearing, tree removal and more. We work on many types of lands from pastures and CRP lands to waterways. Prices vary depending on the type and extent of a job, so call today to get a free quote!
Fuel reduction to reduce the danger of wildfires and giving the fire fighters a chance to put out a fire easier.